Ο πρώτος Ορθόδοξος ιεραπόστολος Kurt
Bringerud αναχώρησε για τη Μογγολία για να βοηθήσει το εκεί
επιτελούμενο ορθόδοξο ιεραποστολικό έργο, όπως αναφέρει το Ορθόδοξο Χριστιανικό
Ιεραποστολικό Κέντρο της Αμερικής. Ευχόμαστε και προσευχόμαστε να οδηγήσει
πολλούς κατοίκους της Μογγολίας στην Ορθόδοξη Χριστιανική πίστη και Εκκλησία.
As the son of missionaries, Kurt Bringerud heard the
call to missions at a young age.His
studies and acceptance of the Orthodox faith continued to lead him toward
missionary service. During the summer of 2010, following his
involvement in a Project Mexico trip with a team from central Indiana, God’s
call to international missions field became even stronger. After completing his training at the Orthodox
Christian Mission Center (OCMC), Kurt was commissioned to serve as an OCMC long-term
missionary in Mongolia.
Kurt Bringerud was a
team member on OCMC’s first-ever mission team to Mongolia this past June, where
they began to plant the seeds of Orthodoxy and faced the challenges of helping
those seeds begin to grow. Now, he’ll be continuing that ministry through his
service as a long-term missionary. There is extensive work to be done in
Mongolia. First and foremost, though, as with all missionaries, his initial
effort will involve the basics of learning the language, learning the culture,
and building relationships through love. He will be teaching Japanese and
English as well.
His commissioning took place on August 19th, 2012, at
St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church in Indianapolis, where Kurt has been an active member
for many years. OCMC Associate Director Fr. David Rucker was in Indianapolis
this past weekend to participate in the commissioning and offer his prayers and
support. Of the commissioning, which took place during the Divine Liturgy,
Father David said, “It was one of the most beautiful commissionings that I’ve
ever seen. Kurt is such a huge part of the parish community that when it came
time to offer the prayers, they were all there with us. It was really
wonderful.” After liturgy, the parish hosted a reception to bid him farewell.
He is the parish’s first long-term missionary.
Mr. Bringerud left for Mongolia on August 23rd to
begin his missionary service. OCMC is excited for this new step in Mongolia,
and we are all looking forward to the work that will be done in sharing the
Orthodox Faith. The foundation has been laid, and now we begin together to
build on that foundation.
OCMC and Mr. Bringerud ask for your
thoughts and prayers as
this exciting journey in long-term missions in Mongolia begins.

Πηγή :
ocmc.org &ierapostoli
1 σχόλιο:
Λάθος. Δεν είναι ο "πρώτος" ιεραπόστολος, απλώς ένας ιεραπόστολος που πάει στο ήδη υπάρχον κλιμάκιο που ίδρυσε το Πατριαρχείο Μόσχας στην Μογγολία. Εδώ η σελίς του: http://www.pravoslavie.mn/
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