Γουατεμάλα και στο Νότιο Μεξικό επιτελείται ένα θαύμα του Αγίου
Πνεύματος. Με τη χάρη του Θεού δεκάδες χιλιάδες κάτοικοι της Γουατεμάλας
και του Νότιου Μεξικού, προερχόμενοι από μια ομάδα που έφυγε από το
ρωμαιοκαθολισμό, πέρασε από το “χαρισματικό κίνημα” και έφτασε στην Ορθόδοξη
Εκκλησία, βαπτίζονται και λαμβάνουν το Άγιο Χρίσμα, καθιστώντας τη Γουατεμάλα
ως τη χώρα εκείνη του Δυτικού κόσμου με το μεγαλύτερο ποσοστό Ορθοδόξων
Χριστιανών σε σχέση με τον πληθυσμό της! Δεν έχουν σημασία οι αριθμοί, αν
είναι 100.000 ή 200.000 ή και μισό εκατομμύριο άνθρωποι- ψυχές.
έχει η μαρτυρία της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας στη Κεντρική και Νότια
Αμερική, όπου υπάρχουν δεκάδες “εκκλησίες” είτε “ορθόδοξες” σχισματικές ή
αποκομμένες από τον ρωμαιοκαθολικισμό με δεκάδες χιλιάδες πιστούς που
πρέπει να βρουν το δρόμο προς την Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία, όποτε ο Θεός το
ευλογήσει.Να προσευχόμαστε, αδελφοί μου, ώστε όλες αυτές οι χριστιανικές ομάδες
να βρουν το δρόμο προς την Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία και να λάβουν κανονική χειροτονία
και να έχουν έγκυρα Μυστήρια. Τώρα , υπολογίζεται, ότι η Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία της
Γουατεμάλας , που ανήκει στη Μητρόπολη Μεξικού, έχει περίπου 300
ενορίες, των οποίων τα μέλη συστηματικά κατηχούνται στην Ορθόδοξη πίστη
από Ορθόδοξους ιερείς και ιεροσπουδαστές. Στα αγγλικά θα παρακαλουθήσετε
το άρθρο, σχετικά με την ιεραποστολική περιοδεία του Μητροπολίτη Μεξικού στη
someone speaks of “American Orthodoxy,” there is usually an unspoken
understanding that the term refers to North American Orthodoxy: the United
States, Canada, and sometimes Mexico. This way of speaking is indeed
convenient, considering that the majority of Orthodox parishes in the Western
Hemisphere are still located in North America. However, in the past few years a
great change has occurred in Latin America that makes it increasingly
inaccurate to focus on North America as the western outpost of
Orthodoxy. Just two years ago, in 2010, the Orthodox Church received a
large group of Guatemalan converts numbering in the hundreds of thousands. Now
Guatemala, and possibly all of Latin America, holds tremendous promise of
becoming fertile ground for the Orthodox Christian Church.
seed of Orthodoxy in Guatemala was planted by the nuns of the Hogar Rafael Ayau,
an Orthodox orphanage in Guatemala City. Many people are familiar with the
incredible work of Mother Inés, Mother Ivonne, and Mother María.
fact, just this year a group of seminarians from St. Vladimir’s Seminary
traveled with the seminary Chancellor/CEO Archpriest Chad Hatfield to see the
work of the nuns and to assist at the orphanage. It is through these nuns that
the Guatemalan soil was first prepared for the Orthodox Church.
Now, with
the recent chrismation of a new group of Guatemalan converts that numbers
between 100,000 and 200,000, the Orthodox Church is ready to blossom in
Guatemala. The magnitude of the event cannot be overstated. Almost overnight, Guatemala
has become the most Orthodox country in the Western Hemisphere (by percentage
of national population).
the Orthodox communities in Guatemala continue to grow rapidly and attract
attention throughout Guatemala. There is still, however, little information
available to the broader Orthodox world on the history and character of these
new communities. For this reason, I traveled to Guatemala this summer,
spending two months visiting many of the Orthodox parishes, meeting the
leaders of the communities, and accompanying the bishop of the Guatemalan
Church—His Eminence, Metropolitan Athenagoras—as he made his historic first
visit to the new parishes in Guatemala. I returned to the United States with
the desire to share what I saw and the conviction that the Holy Spirit is at
work with power in Latin America…
new Orthodox communities are in touch with the nuns of the Hogar, but they are
an independent movement with a unique history. These communities are mostly
made up of native Mayans and have roots in the Roman Catholic Church. They
first began in the 1970s and 1980s as a Roman Catholic renewal movement called
the “Charismatic Renewal in the Holy Spirit.” For various reasons, including
the movement’s charismatic prayer practices and emphasis on music in church
services, the parishes of the Charismatic Renewal became estranged from the
Roman Catholic Church. Many communities went decades without sacraments until,
in the 1990s, a former Roman Catholic priest named Fr. Andrés Girón took the
movement under his wing. A very prominent figure in Guatemala, Fr. Andrés had
served in the Guatemalan senate, acted as an ambassador to the United Nations,
and led a large movement for land reform among the rural poor of Guatemala.
These activities were part of what caused Fr. Andrés to come into tension with
the Roman Catholic Church, eventually leaving the Church before taking
leadership of the parishes of the Charismatic Renewal.It was through Fr. Andrés
that the communities of the Charismatic Renewal began to move towards the
Orthodox Church. Fr. Andrés first joined a non-canonical Orthodox group called
the Society of Secular Clerics, and he was soon ordained a bishop in this
group. However, as he became more familiar with broader Orthodox Christianity,
Fr. Andrés sought out the canonical Orthodox Church. A number of priests from
other countries came to evaluate the situation in Guatemala, and then in April
of 2010, Fr. Andrés was received into the canonical Orthodox Church under the
Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.After Fr. Andrés entered the Orthodox
Church, then began the process of ordaining priests, chrismating the
faithful, and educating the hundreds of thousands of new Orthodox. Over the
last two years, a total of eight priests who were originally ordained
non-canoncially have now been ordained as priests in the Orthodox Church. One
of those priests spent a year in Greece to learn about Orthodoxy and become an
iconographer, and there are plans for other priests to spend time abroad
growing in Orthodoxy. The priests have begun to train a large team of
catechists to go into all the villages to teach the people about Orthodoxy. In addition, a missionary priest from Pennsylvania,
Fr. John Chakos, has begun working in Guatemala to assist the Guatemalan
leaders and teach the faithful.http://www.flickr.com//photos/52971157@N03/sets/72157630778608662/show/
the eight priests of the Guatemalan Orthodox Church are familiar with Orthodox
theology and history, the majority of the Orthodox faithful still have much to
learn and need time to grow. Many parishes lack basic iconography and essential
liturgical supplies, and the communities are still relatively unfamiliar with
the Divine Liturgy and other Orthodox services. Nevertheless, the communities
have the seed of powerful faith: parishes are always packed on Sundays,
sometimes with close to a thousand people; lay leaders are well-versed in
Scripture and deliver convicting sermons to the congregations; and many
communities center all of their activities around the Church, with some
villages faithfully tithing ten percent of their crops and money. The
Guatemalan Orthodox are indeed still newborns in the Church, but they are
already growing in the Orthodox Church and have reacted well to the changes
that are being made to bring them closer to the fulness of the faith. These
“little ones” of Guatemala, the newborn Mayan Orthodox, will not be turned away
by the Lord.
we continue to discuss the future of “American Orthodoxy,” we must not forget
that the providence of God often guides the Church in unexpected ways, and His
providence is now calling our attention to Latin America. When, in 1867, St.
Innocent reflected on the sale of Alaska to the United States, he said, “I see
in this event one of the ways of Providence whereby Orthodoxy will penetrate
the United States.” These words are often recalled in discussions of American
Orthodoxy, along with the stories of the rapid conversion of native Alaskans to
the Orthodox Church. Now, in our lifetime, as many as 200,000 native
Guatemalans have turned to the Orthodox Church—is this not the continuation of
God’s Providence in the Western Hemisphere? The Holy Spirit has opened a
door for the faith to penetrate Latin America through Guatemala, and this event
calls us to recognize and believe inthe tremendous potential for the
Orthodox Church to flourish in this hemisphere. We are called to stand
with the Orthodox Christians of Guatemala: through prayer, through donations of
liturgical supplies and monetary support, and through missionaries and teachers
who will go to Guatemala to help the people learn and grow.
we are called to once again be inspired by the richness of “American
Orthodoxy.” From the small wooden churches of Alaska to the large food
festivals of Pittsburgh and Chicago, from the Orthodox parishes that dot South
America to the Mayan communities that live under the volcanoes of Guatemala—the
beauty of God’s Church is alive and growing in the Western Hemisphere. Let
us embrace the work of God’s Providence, supporting the Guatemalan Orthodox
Church and tending to the faith throughout all the Americas, so that the seed
of American Orthodoxy will grow and blossom.
από διάφορες ενορίες στη Γουατεμάλα και το Νότιο Μεξικό. Photos from orthodox
christian parishes in Guatemala and Mexico.

more information on the Guatemalan Orthodox Church and my summer travels to the
Guatemalan communities, see my
blog, which has articles and pictures that give a fuller understanding of
Guatemalan Orthodoxy. If you would like to know how you can support the
Guatemalan Orthodox Church, please contact
Fr. John Chakos, the missionary priest who is serving in Guatemala under
the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC).
You can also find articles by Fr. John Chakos about the Guatemalan communities
on the blog of Pres.
Alexandra Chakos.
σημειώσουμε εδώ τις δυσκολίες που έχει το εγχείρημα αυτό, στο να
μεταλαμπαδεύσουν οι ιεραπόστολοι την Ορθόδοξη πίστη στους λαούς της Κεντρικής
Αμερικής, τη δυσκολία να ξεχαστούν συνήθειες του παρελθόντος που δεν έχουν
ορθόδοξες ρίζες, να αντιμετωπιστεί η ύπαρξη άλλων “ορθόδοξων εκκλησιών”, να
έρθουν στελέχη στην Ελλάδα ή στη Κύπρο από Μεξικό, Γουατεμάλα και άλλες χώρες
της Λατινικής Αμερικής για να σπουδάσουν την Ορθόδοξη Θεολογία, να εντρυφήσουν
στον Ορθόδοξο μοναχισμό, στην ησυχαστική και μυστηριακή ζωή της Εκκλησίας… Τα
ελλείποντα θα τα διορθώσει ο άλλος Παράκλητος, το Πνεύμα της Αληθείας.
Καλούμε τους
Ορθόδοξους Χριστιανούς στην Ελλάδα, στη Κύπρο και στο εξωτερικό, να προσφέρουν
από το υστέρημά τους ένα μικρό ή μεγάλο ποσό στη Μητρόπολη Μεξικού για να
διακονήσει τις νέες ορθόδοξες ενορίες στη Γουατεμάλα, στο Μεξικό και σε άλλες
17 χώρες της Κεντρικής και Νοτίου Αμερικής, μέσω του Ιεραποστολικού Συνδέσμου
Άγιος Κοσμάς ο Αιτωλός Θεσσαλονίκης. Πληροφορίες μπορείτε να βρείτε εδώ :
190, Σταυρούπολη Θεσσαλονίκης ,ΤΚ. 56429
και Fax: +302310606920
Τράπεζα: 235/296004-49
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BANK : 479-002101-029168
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1 σχόλιο:
Δόξα το Θεό. Είναι εξαιρετική, σπουδαία και πολύ σημαντική αυτή η εξέλιξη. Αποτελεί το πιο ευχάριστο γεγονός που συμβαίνει αυτή τη στιγμή στον κόσμο από τα γεγονότα που γνωστοποιούνται. Έχει κρίσιμη, καθοριστική και (γεωμετρικά ασύλληπτα) τεράστια ουσιαστική σημασία για τις ψυχούλες αλλά και για την ευημερία των εκεί ανθρώπων και το υγιές μέλλον του λαού. Παρακαλώ να συνδράμουμε οικονομικά όλοι. Επίσης παρακαλώ να συνεχίσετε να μας ενημερώνεται για τις εξελίξεις που συμβαίνουν σχετικά με αυτό το θέμα στη Γουατεμάλα. Πραγματικά έχετε δίκιο, αντικρίζουμε ένα μεγάλο θαύμα της βουλής του Κυρίου. Επίσης έχουμε να κάνουμε με αποστολικό θρίαμβο των ευλογημένων εκεί ιεραποστόλων και όλων των εκεί συμβαλλόμενων σε αυτό το θεάρεστο και πολύ δύσκολο έργο. Δόξα το Θεό. Να είναι καλά και δυνατοί.
Δημοσίευση σχολίου